Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Give it to me hot!

If you love Jamie Oliver as much as I do, which is hardly possible, you will enjoy the Lamb Curry Song (Give it to me hot). Watch it all the way through to see Jamie play the drums!

For the truly devoted, or for anyone who enjoys British slang/Harry Potter, you must review this list and try to incorporate a few words into your vocabulary. I'm determined to start using Pukka on a regular basis.

On the topic of slang and made-up words, Mark made one up this weekend (I blame the obscene amount of Balderdash we play). According to Mark a dorkus is a rock of any size that is partly submerged in water. It should create waves or rings around it. Example below. Isn't that peaceful?


Julia said...

I MISS YOU ALLY. Such a allysonesque blog, I'm really enjoying it! I didn't know you had one. And yes, I should update mine. I think it's been since October :) Shoot, I was aiming for once a month.

I think that you could make those pillows-- my only thing is that embroidered pillows should have a smooth side, so you can lay on them and not get wrinkles on your face. or have the option not to. And the buttons for drawer handle knobs-- totally you, Iwish I could pull it off.

ps lots of dorki here, in a little stream bed running to the ocean.

Aundrea said...

Our family loves Balderdash too. We should get together and play with you and Mark

tmoli42 said...

Are you too young to remember pukka shell necklaces? I have one somewhere.